76 per cent of the flow measurement Suppliers loan accounts are of women and more than 50 per cent belong to scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and OBCs.The Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana is a scheme launched by the prime minister on April 8, 2015 for providing loans up to 10 lakh to the non-corporate, non-farm small and micro enterprises. These loans are classified as MUDRA loans."The government will soon announce measures to effectively address the non-performing assets and the stressed accounts of MSMEs. This will enable a larger financing of MSMEs and also considerably ease the cash flow challenges faced by them," said the finance minister, presenting the first budget after the GST rollout in July last year.Observing that mass formalisation of business of MSMEs is taking place in the country after the demonetisation and the introduction of GST, Jaitley said, "It is proposed to onboard public sector banks and corporates on the trade electronic receivable discounting system platform and link this with the GSTN (goods and services tax network)."He said the mass formalisation is generating an enormous amount of financial information database of the MSME business and finances.
Sumeet Chugh, of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Heart Institute in Los Angeles, said by email.Chugh and colleagues reported their findings at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions meeting in Anaheim, California, and online in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.Cardiac arrest involves the abrupt loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness. Unlike a heart attack, which happens when blood flow to a portion of the heart is blocked, cardiac arrest occurs when the heart’s electrical system malfunctions, often due to irregular heart rhythms. Cardiac arrest may occur with no warning and is often fatal if not treated within minutes.Cardiac arrest results in more than 300,000 deaths each year in the US alone, the researchers say.For the study, researchers looked at detailed medical reports for all of the adults who died in Portland, Oregon, from 2002 to 2015. They had access to complete medical histories and autopsy records, as well as any information about what patients were doing when the cardiac arrest occurred.
Patients who experienced sudden cardiac arrest linked to sexual activity had higher rates of what’s know as ventricular fibrillation – a serious cardiac rhythm disturbance – and tachycardia, or a higher-than-normal heart rate.Most of the cases were men with a history of heart disease.Only about 1 in 100 men and 1 in 1,000 women experience sudden cardiac arrest during sexual activity, the study found.Patients who had sex before they went into cardiac arrest tended to be about 60 years old on average, compared to around 65 for the patients who were doing other things when their heart stopped beating.When sex preceded cardiac arrest, survival odds tended to be a bit better. Nearly 20 percent of people survived in sex-related cases, compared to only about 13 percent survival odds for other patients.Survival often depends on how quickly patients receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), or chest compressions, which can help restore circulation and maintain blood flow to vital organs.All of the patients in the study had their cardiac arrest witnessed by another person, but less than one third of them received CPR.Odds of CPR were better, however, in sex-related cases.
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